03 June 2008

*Journey to the end of east bay..(5 May 06)

pheww..alhamdulillah selamat pegi selamat kembali.yesterday i went to kuantan sbb ada progress meeting kat TNB kuantan. meeting kul 9pg,so kul 6 pagi da kena gerak dr rumah..giler ngantukkk..singgah projet gombak isi minyak..nmpk la a group of teenagers tgh kecoh2 pagi2 buta..ntah la apa yg dorang dok bising2 tu...bile teok dorang tu, terigt plak zaman muda2 dulu..mcm tu gak la rasanye..hehe..by d way, skang pun masih muda lagi =P..

Collage4_1 giler bosan drive along the east coast hiway sorg2 ...mcm never ending journey je..di atas sbb ini lah..i have to drive minimum speed 140km/h (kekeke...alasan nak speeding). and for the 1st time i managed to reach 200km/h sambil layan lagu incubus ..woohoo..giler best.igt nak tekan paddle lg smpai 200++ ,tapi tak jadi sbb jln da ujan..hehehe..last time my bro yg reached 200km/h,now it's my time to do it myself..hehh.my audibah,she's so stable at that speed,xde goyang..itu la specialnye conti car ni kan..kan.. =D

talking about my *journey to the end of of east bay..hehe...kalo korang tau,ini la tajuk lagu RanCiD..gile terigt masa zaman study a-level dulu..fanatic gler dgr lagu puNk/hardcore sumer2 ni..strife,sick of it all,soulfly,snapcase,sepultura,deftones, ramones,rumble militia,six feet under,koRn...etc..byk lagi la band,da x ingat da..heheh..underground rulez.. now no more lah..layan skit2 je ..skang ni working life rulez plak...carik duit..carik duit... ;P

today's proverb: The early bird gets the worm..so korang,bangun la pagi..insyaAllah murah rezeki...tp kan some says "the early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese"..hehehe..so kadang2 tu kalo terbangun lambat tu,ingat la proverb yg nih..baru semangat nak bangun pegi keja walaupun da lambat...kekkekeke...

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