03 June 2008

the cycle of life (21 Oct 05)

Picture8*sobsob*...my audibah sakit.paru-paru dia masuk air 2 days ago.(computer box condemn sbb terkena air).dia skrg ada kat wad audible old klang road. mmg this few days hujan lebat dr pagi sampai ptg,tp tak terfikir langsung air boleh masuk dlm computer box nih.still thinking mcm mana air boleh masuk dlm tuh ~sigh~.i have to wait for the mechanic to complete the post mortem..so now i have to replace it with a new comp box..the bad news is it is so costly..huwaaa...no shopping2 this coming raya =( ..alah,tak shopping tak bermakna takleh raya,yg penting puasa cukup..cheers up amir =P.

Dscf0009 this coming thursday ada progress meeting dgn TNB plak..adeh2..mmg kena tembak lagi le jwbnye.project progress da delay 10%. Nak kena fikir mcm mana nak jawab nih..belom meeting pun,da feel the pressure..tp pikir2 balik kan, kerja mana yg takde pressure.kalo tak nak pressure,dok rumah takyah kerja la..think positive amir..u ken du it...chaiyo...chaiyo..hehe..

anyhow, that's the cycle of life.ada masa senang ada masa susah. it's depends on how you take it...i believe in an old quote - "after a storm comes a calm." and also Believe in God...ada hikmah sesuatu benda tu berlaku..


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